
    Double leg - fish playing action

Shimano Tribal A speciman 12ft 2.50lb fp carp rod 164.99,

Shimano Tribal A speciman 12ft 2.75lb fp carp rod


Shimano Tribal A speciman 12ft 3lb fp carp rod 164.99,

Shimano Tribal A speciman 13ft 3lb fp carp rod 184.99,

Double leg - long range action


Shimano Tribal A speciman 12ft 3.25lb LR carp rod 199.99

Shimano Tribal A speciman 13ft 3lb LR carp rod 199.99

Shimano Tribal A speciman 13ft 3.5lb LR carp rod 209.99


 Made from XT100 and T-Curve carbon, the Tribal A is both mellow in action and delivers a powerful casting action usually only found on rods at a much higher price. The minimalist reel seat fittings, with optimum guide spacing means it also looks great. As soon as you hit the run and start to play the fish you’ll know why this is one of the best value for money rods around

A Slide ‘n’ Grip pipe reel seat comes as standard for perfect individual customisation for your ideal casting and playing set up.

Features include the following:

  • XT100 blank
  • Biofibre technology.
  • Slide’n’Grip reel seat
  • Fuji line guides
  • Available in Long Range & Fish Playing Actions
  • 12ft and 13ft models available

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